
第三届MRE青年科学家奖 MRE最佳论文奖

MRE 2022 青年科学家奖视频回放


MRE 2022 青年科学家奖颁奖典礼视频回放


MRE 2022 青年科学家奖获奖名单

    近日,获得全球极端领域专家广泛关注的第三届MRE青年科学家奖评选活动落幕,3位青年学者脱颖而出!他们是来自北京高压科学研究中心的林彦蒿博士,德国马克斯普朗克核物理研究所弓正博士,法国强激光应用研究中心Arnaud Colaitis博士。(排名不分先后)。

“MRE青年科学家奖”由全球首本极端科技期刊——《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》(简称MRE)发起,旨在鼓励全球青年学者在极端条件物质与辐射研究领域中取得和展示重要、原创和创新成果。


    本届MRE青年科学家奖颁奖礼将于6月7日在第五届极端条件下的物质与辐射国际会议(ICMRE2022)上举行。参加颁奖礼请前往Zoom。Zoom ID:984 5752 5658,Code:682401。

    更多ICMRE2022信息见 http://icmre2022.mre.org.cn/

Zheng Gong

弓正,Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics

报告题目: Ultrarelativistic spin-polarized plasma driven by high-intensity laser pulse

“The 2022 MRE YSA prize is awarded to Dr. Zheng GONG for his very original research in generating spin-polarized plasma using high-intensity laser interacting with novel targetry. His theory and simulation investigations lead to a new compact scheme for the controlled generation of relativistic spin-polarized electron beams which have important applications in material science, nuclear structure studies and fundamental high-energy physics. This prize also honors his exceptional publication record in the field of high-intensity laser-plasma interaction research.”

- Stefan Weber, MRE副主编

Arnaud Colaitis

Arnaud Colaitis, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications (CELIA)

报告题目: 3D simulations of OMEGA implosions in presence of low mode asymmetries: systematic flow anomalies and impact of low modes on implosion performances

Dr. Arnaud Colaitis of CNRS and the CELIA collaboration in France has been selected as winner of the Materials and Radiation at Extremes award to Young Scientists for work in high energy density science of hydrodynamic and inertial confinement fusion (ICF). Dr. Colaitis and colleagues have made significant progress in modeling of direct drive ICF implosions without adjustable parameters and in excellent comparison to experiments at the Omega laser facility. His new code IFRIIT combined with ASTER correctly predicts results of low mode asymmetries leading to flow of compressing ICF targets and models the effects of Cross Beam Energy Transfer including laser beam polarization effects. This work successfully addresses some of the most significant issues in direct drive ICF and may lead to significantly improved results in this challenging endeavor pointing toward inertial fusion energy. Dr. Colaitis has also worked on Martian atmospheric turbulence and iron solar opacities signifying his versatility as a successful young scientist.”

- David Crandall, MRE副主编


Yanhao Lin


报告题目: Hydrous SiO2 transporting water to the core-mantle boundary

“The 2022 MRE Young Scientist Award is bestowed to Dr. Yanhao LIN for his outstanding contribution to our understanding the global water circulation mechanism in deep mantle. His high pressure-temperature experiments have revealed that stishovite, a dense form of SiO2 and a major component of the subducting basaltic slab, is capable of hosting and carrying several percent of H2O down through the mantle transition zone into the lower mantle. He has further demonstrated that stishovite transitions to denser CaCl2-type and seifertite phases can retain water all the way through the lower mantle to the core-mantle boundary at 130 GPa and 3300 K, thus completing the full mantle cycle by delivering the water directly to the source of the uprising plumes.”

- Hokwang Mao, MRE共主编


MRE 2022 青年科学家奖入围名单公布

极端条件下的物质与辐射青年科学家奖(MREYSA)由英文科技期刊Matter and Radiation at Extremes (《极端条件下的物质与辐射》,MRE)设立,旨在鼓励全球青年学者在极端条件物质与辐射研究中领域取得和展示重要、原创和创新成果。

MRE是中国工程物理研究院于2016年创办的英文科技期刊,由美国物理联合会出版社(AIPP)全球发行,被SCI、EI、Scopus等重要数据库收录,主要报道极端条件下物质与辐射研究领域的理论、实验与应用研究的重要成果和最新进展,旨在提供一个高水平的、中国具有话语权的极端科学领域重大成果发布与交流平台。作为期刊服务科研的创新举措,首届MRE YSA于2019年5月在第四届极端条件下的物质与辐射国际会议(ICMRE)上推出,已先后举办两届并受到全球众多专家与学者的支持。

2022年,MRE YSA采用网络形式开展评选活动,分两轮进行。第一轮完成申请征集和初选,第二轮以MRE网络直播(Webinar)形式进行比赛,最终由评委会(由领域内国际知名专家组成)评分确定优胜者。2022 MRE YSA将终选出三名优胜者,颁发相应奖状、奖杯和奖金。

2022 MRE YSA评奖消息自今年1月发布以来,受到了全球专家学者的广泛关注与积极参与,截止4月5日,共收到来自7个国家的多封推荐信和30余位青年学者的申请材料。经评委会综合学术重要性、原创性和创新性、科学价值和广泛影响、扩展型简历等方面对候选人进行评审,最终确定9位青年学者进入第二轮评比(入围),入围名单如下。




Title of the application

Anna Grassi

Anna Grassi.png

Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI)

Exploring the physics at the most intense fields of the Universe with UHI lasers

Yanfei Li 

Yanfei Li.png

Xi'an Jiaotong University

Highly polarized positrons generated via nonlinear Breit-Wheeler processes in ultra-intense laser fields

Zheng Gong

Zheng Gong.png

Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (Heidelberg, Germany)

Ultrarelativistic spin-polarized plasma driven by high-intensity laser pulse

Yajie Wang

Yajiue Wang_1.png

Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR)

Pressure-induced polymerization of Hexafluorobenzene via highly selective 1,4-addition reaction

Yanhao Lin

Yanhao Lin.jpg

Center for High   Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR)

Hydrous SiO2 transporting water to the core-mantle boundary

Yunwei Zhang

Yunwei Zhang.png

Sun Yat-sen University

Development of novel superconductivity with high TC in electride materials under high pressures

Arnaud Colaitis

Arnaud COLAITIS.bmp

Intense Lasers and Applications Center (CELIA)

3D simulations of OMEGA implosions in presence of low mode asymmetries: systematic flow anomalies and impact of low   modes on implosion performances

Weipeng Yao

Weipeng Yao.jpg

Laboratoire pour  l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI)

Nanosecond laser pulse propagation and laser-plasma instabilities in a magnetized, underdense plasma

Jieru Ren

Jieru Ren-1.jpg

Xi'an Jiaotong University

Laboratory generation and applications of uniform dense plasma


直播日程:MRE YSA competition schedule.pdf



Zoom: Zoom ID: 984 5752 5658, Code: 682401, https://zoom.us/j/98457525658?pwd=cXVheEZXVWxYWC9KOG5FYkNveHA2QT09


MRE 2021 最佳论文奖颁奖典礼视频回放


MRE 2021最佳论文奖得主新鲜出炉


Matter and Radiation at Extremes (MRE) 是由中国工程物理研究院创办的国际首本极端科技专业学术期刊,致力于研究物质和辐射的极端状态以及与此相关的科学和技术问题。MRE创刊以来严格遵循国际期刊出版标准和学术诚信准则,在国际学术和出版界的影响力快速提升。为了进一步提高MRE期刊的学术影响力,吸引和催生优秀稿件,鼓励和培育优秀作者,2021年,MRE期刊决定设立年度最佳论文奖。该奖项经评委会投票讨论后,颁发给Tanaka  K A博士、Nilsen Joseph 博士和Struzhkin Viktor 博士团队,以下是三个团队的获奖文章以及MRE编委成员对获奖文章的点评(排名不分先后)。

Current status and highlights of the ELI-NP research programTanaka K A, Spohr K M, Balabanski D L, et al., Matter and Radiation at Extremes 5, 024402 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5093535

评语  Stefan Weber (博士, MRE副主编, ELI-Beamlines Center) : Tanaka教授撰写的介绍罗马尼亚极端光基础设施(ELI)的现状和即将启动的试运行情况的综述论文在 MRE众多优秀文章中脱颖而出。它详细概述了欧盟建造的最重要的科学基础设施之一 ——ELI,并且以通俗易懂的方式全面地描述了依托该装置将开展的物理研究和可以实现的技术。这篇文章为该领域的年轻科学家和即将在该装置上进行实验的潜在用户群体做了一个完美的介绍。

Understanding the effects of radiative preheat and self-emission from shock heating on equation of state measurement at 100s of Mbar using spherically converging shock waves in a NIF hohlraumNilsen Joseph, Kritcher Andrea L, Martin Madison E, et al., Matter and Radiation at Extremes 5, 018401 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5131748

评语  Michel Koenig (博士, MRE 共主编, CNRS LULI):除非使用核爆炸,否则几乎无法达到极端高压 Hugoniot状态(压力高于 400 Mbar)。这也是第一次使用 NIF达到了这样的极端压力,开辟了状态方程(EOS)探索研究的新领域。由于温度非常重要,这篇文章还讨论了来自腔壁上产生的硬 X 射线或冲击本身的辐射问题。我认为这篇论文是最早展示原子压力汇聚的论文之一,这可能会彻底改变我们对极端压力情况的理解。这篇论文是当之无愧的MRE最佳论文。

Superconductivity in La and Y hydrides: Remaining questions to experiment and theoryStruzhkin Viktor, Li Bing, Ji Cheng, et al., Matter and Radiation at Extremes 5, 028201 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5128736

评语  陈斌 (博士, MRE特邀编辑, 北京高压科学研究中心): 自1911年首个超导体发现以来, 人们探索室温超导的脚步从未停止。目前看来,高压压缩金属氢化物可能是实现这一凝聚态物理领域梦想的“捷径”。Struzhkin等人以综述的形式总结了金属氢化物高温超导体在理论及实验上的最新进展,并结合他们自己的实验结果提出了高温超导金属氢化物中可能“掺杂”有金属氢的设想。这篇文章除了可以让我们快速和系统地了解金属氢化物的高温超导研究,还可以启发我们思考该领域的最新争论热点,进一步推动高温超导的研究。


MRE 2022 青年科学家奖通知



1) MRE青年科学家奖杯及证书;

2) 现金奖励10,000元人民币;

3) MRE正式投稿邀请;


1) 申请人应于2022年1月1日前未满35岁;

2) 申请人应是研究成果的主要作者(第一作者或通信作者),该成果应尚未发表且在活动结束前未投稿它处;

3) 申请人的研究工作主题应符合MRE出版范围;



1) 个人信息表;

2) DOC (DOCX)或PDF格式的研究摘要(2000-3000字,包括代表性图片);

3) 其他附加材料,如推荐信等(非必须);

请将材料打包并标注主题为"MRE Young Scientist Award",并电邮至mreeo@aip.org



MRE期刊邀请领域内权威专家组成评审委员会,对所有申请进行遴选并于2022年4月20日前公布入围候选人。候选人将于2022年5月16-17日通过MRE Webinar报告其成果,最终由评审委员会评选出1-3名获奖者。颁奖仪式将于6月7日在ICMRE国际会议开幕式上举


MRE 青年科学家奖官方消息:https://aip.scitation.org/mre/info/news